Thursday, October 23, 2008

Collide Youth Ministries

Pastor Rob Cox asked if I would come and shoot his Wednesday night youth service.  Being a former youth pastor and knowing some of the teens in his group it was easy to say yes.  Collide Youth Ministries definitely "ROCKS" and I enjoyed every minute of it. old Kung Fu partner...

Sam the dancer...

The leader guy...

The guy on the keyboard...

Pastor Rob's brand new son...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ripon Family Portraits!

Had a great time in Ripon on Sunday for some family photos...
I'm still working on the editing but here are a few from Reed Prosser, a little cutie.


Keep watching the blog...more to come from Sunday.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Strike Team

Strike Team!

I was assigned to a strike team for structure protection at the Sesnon Fire in L.A. on Monday afternoon.  After a long drive we arrived early Tuesday morning in Thousand Oaks.  We were given the Granada Hills and Porter Ranch section of the fire for structure protection...My camera battery was dying, so I only have a few pics...
Now it's back to editing the photo shoot from Sunday with some beautiful models and a lot of talented photogs...

Manteca engine in the foreground...pretty socal sunset in the back...
L.A. City Fire has choppers!  How's that for great duty.

Manteca Fire at your service...what kind of dorky look is on my face?